
哈姆,马克·S. Ramon Spaaij(2017)《bc菠菜导航》, Popular Culture and the Lone Wolf Terrorist: The Evolution of Targets, 战术, 暴力意识形态.“在…… Routledge 国际 Handbook of Visual 犯罪学, edited by Michelle Brown and Eamonn Carrabine. 纽约:劳特利奇出版社,页. 177-189.

哈姆,马克·S. (2017) “音乐 of the 1960s and 社会 Justice: Masterpieces of American Protest Songs and Why They Matter in the Trump Era.“在…… Oxford Research 百科全书的 Crime, Media and Popular Culture, edited by Michelle Brown. 纽约:牛津大学出版社.

哈姆,马克·S. (新闻). ”介绍.” In 美国监狱中的穆斯林,由Nawal阿玛编辑. Boulder, CO: Lynne Reimer Publishers.

哈姆,马克·S. (新闻). “穆斯林囚犯的激进化.” In 美国监狱中的穆斯林,由Nawal阿玛编辑. Boulder, CO: Lynne Reimer Publishers.

哈姆,马克·S. 和纳瓦尔H. 阿玛  (2015) ”介绍: Exploring Islam in Prisons.” In 美国监狱中的穆斯林, Nawal H .编辑. 阿玛. Boulder, CO: Lynne Reimer Publishers, pp. 1-9.

哈姆,马克·S.  (2015) “Prison Islam in the Age of Sacred Terror.” In 美国监狱中的穆斯林, Nawal H .编辑. 阿玛. Boulder, CO: Lynne Reimer Publishers, pp. 125-146.

哈姆,马克·S. (新闻). 前言 了解仇恨犯罪 卡罗琳·佩特里西诺著. 纽约:劳特利奇出版社.

森林,维. (即将出版). 每个人的犯罪学. In 刑事司法 for the Curious: Why Study 刑事司法? Kishor Vaidya(编辑).

Polizzi D. (2015).  The pursuit of a general theory of crime and the indeterminacy of   human experience. 在R. 信托& D. 克鲁(Eds.犯罪学是关于什么的?   哲学反思. 英国伦敦 & 纽约,纽约:劳特利奇.

Polizzi D. & Schaefer R. (2015).  哲学与犯罪.   In   犯罪与犯罪百科全书  惩罚.  洛杉矶,加州.

威尔逊,F. T. (2015). "Stop the Humble Mumble: Bringing 犯罪学 to the 人". 富兰克林·T. 威尔逊、编辑、 Crime and Media Studies: Diversity of Method, Medium, and 沟通 (第1版.). San Diego, CA: Cognella Academic Publishing.

哈姆,马克·S. (2014)《bc菠菜导航》.” In 百科全书 on 犯罪学与刑事司法, edited by David Weisburd and GerbenBruinsma. 纽约:斯普林格出版社. Pp. 2450-59.

詹妮弗·默里.  (2014).  The Mass Killer’s 搜索 for Validation Through, Infamy, Media Attention, and Transcendence.The Death and Resurrection of Deviance: Current Ideas and Research, edited by 迈克尔Dellwing, Joseph A. Kotarba和Nathan Pino需要.,New York:: Palgrave Macmillan Publishing.

Polizzi D. (2014).  Developing therapeutic trust with court-ordered clients.  (substantial chapter revision) Polizzi D., M. 科布市 & M. 德雷伯(Eds.).  In Transforming corrections: Humanistic approaches to Corrections and offender treatment, 2nd (pp. 303-332).

雷克斯E. 哈蒙德和香农. Barton-Bellessa (2014). Victim impact statements, rights, and restitution.《布鲁斯·阿里戈.) 百科全书的 刑事司法 Ethics. 加利福尼亚州千橡市:Sage.

香农米. 巴顿-贝勒萨和史蒂文C. 鲜花(2014). 虐待(忽视)儿童.《布鲁斯·阿里戈.) 百科全书的 刑事司法 Ethics. 加利福尼亚州千橡市:Sage.

香农米. 巴顿-贝莱萨和乔丹·F. 艾萨克斯(2014). Electronic Monitoring Devices (of offenders prior to trial; of probationers/parolees). 《布鲁斯·阿里戈.) 百科全书的 刑事司法 Ethics. 加利福尼亚州千橡市:Sage.

香农米. Barton-Bellessa (forthcoming, 2014). 产前因素. 在J. 米切尔·米勒(Ed).) 百科全书的 犯罪学理论. 威利布莱克威尔.

香农米. Barton-Bellessa (forthcoming, 2014). 布若克韦,泽伦. 在J. 米切尔·米勒(Ed).) 百科全书的 犯罪学理论. 威利布莱克威尔.

格兰姆斯J.N. (2013). 守护天使和柯蒂斯·斯利瓦. 在J.I. 罗斯(Ed.)  百科全书 街头罪案.  (即将出版,2013.)

尼尔,M.波利兹,D.韦德,A. (2013). Addressing the “inherent” philosophical and operational dichotomies of corrections from an EpiCrim approach.  B. Arrigo& H.

Bersot (Eds.).In Routledge Handbook of 国际 Crime and Justice Studies (pp. 565-584).英国伦敦 & 纽约,纽约:劳特利奇.

Polizzi D.德雷珀,M., & 亚历山大,米. (2013).  Fabricated selves and the rehabilitative machine. B. Arrigo& H. Bersot (Eds.).  Routledge Handbook of 国际 Crime and Justice Studies (pp. 233-255)英国伦敦 & 纽约,纽约:劳特利奇.

Polizzi D. (2013) Criminal behavior and the phenomenology of addiction.  J. Helfgott (Ed.).  In 犯罪心理学 (pp. 299-330). 加州圣巴巴拉:ABC-CLIO. 

Polizzi D & 麦基,W. (2013).  跟踪. J. 罗斯(Ed.).   街头犯罪百科全书 (pp.386-387). 加利福尼亚州千橡市:Sage Publications.

格兰姆斯J.N. (2012). 性犯罪者法律.  在W.R. 米勒(Ed.), 犯罪社会史  与美国的惩罚.  洛杉矶:Sage出版社.

迈克尔D. 香农·罗伊斯特. Barton-Bellessa, and William Mackey (2012). 神职人员的好处(页. 23-24),在香农M. Barton-Bellessa (Ed.) 百科全书的 Community Corrections. 千橡市,加州:SAGE.

Polizzi D.  (2012) 社会 presence, visibility and the eye of the beholder.   G. 杨西和J. 琼斯(Eds).  In Pursuing Trayvon Martin: Historical contexts and contemporary manifestations of racial dynamics (pp. 173-181). 兰哈姆,医学博士:列克星敦图书公司. 

香农米. Barton-Bellessa and JiHee Lee (2012). Attitudes and Myths 关于 Punishment (pp. 9-13),在香农M. Barton-Bellessa (Ed.) 百科全书的 Community Corrections. 千橡市,加州:SAGE.

香农米. 巴顿-贝勒萨和约翰·R. 特纳(2012). Firearms and Community Corrections Personnel (pp. 173-175),在香农M. Barton-Bellessa (Ed.) 百科全书的 Community Corrections. 千橡市,加州:SAGE.

Altheide D.L., & 格兰姆斯J.N. (2011). War Making and Propaganda: Media Responsibility for Human Rights 沟通.  在D. Papademas (Ed.),  Human Rights and Media 研究 沟通, 6卷 (pp.59-76.)  Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Avdija,. S. (2011). Policing Mental Illness: The Need for Specialized Police Training in Dealing with Mentally ill Persons. 在米. C. De Guzman, A. M. D和D. K. Das (Eds), Strategies and responses to crime: Thinking locally, acting globally (pp. 139-150).博卡拉顿,佛罗里达州:CRC出版社,泰勒 & 弗朗西斯.

格兰姆斯J.N.  仇恨犯罪. (2011). 在W. 钱(Ed.), Key Issues in Crime and Punishment, 卷ume 1: Crime and Criminal 行为 (pp. 127-138.)洛杉矶:SAGE出版社.

格兰姆斯J.N.  (2011). 三次法律.  在W. 钱(Ed.), Key Issues in Crime and Punishment, 卷ume 3:  Courts, Law, and Justice  (pp. 257-268.)  Los Angeles:  SAGE Publications.  

哈姆,马克·S. (2011) “Prisoner Radicalization and Sacred Terrorism: A Life-Course Perspective.” In Contemporary Issues in Criminological Theory and Research: The Role of 社会 Institutions. Presidential Papers from the 2010 American Society of 犯罪学 Conference, 理查德·罗森菲尔德编辑, KennaQuinet和Crystal Garcia. 贝尔蒙特,加州:沃兹沃思. Pp. 173-204.

Polizzi D. (2011).  Heidegger, restorative justice and Desistance: A phenomenological perspective. 在R. 信托& J. Hardie-Bick (Eds.).Existential Predicaments,  Crime and 治理 (pp. 129-155).Houndsmills, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. 

Polizzi D. (2011). Re-discovering possibility: Humanistic psychology and offender  treatment.  在约翰逊先生(编).).经历修正 (p.p.73-88). 加利福尼亚州千橡市:Sage Publications.

Polizzi D. (2011).  The phenomenology of deviant behavior.C. 科比(Ed.)  越轨行为手册 (p.p. 129-134). 纽约,纽约 & 英国伦敦:劳特利奇; 

哈姆,马克·S. (2010)”William J . Chambliss.:权力、冲突和犯罪.” In 百科全书的 Criminological Theory,弗朗西斯. Cullen, Pamela Wilcox and Kristin Swartz. 加利福尼亚州千橡市:Sage.

哈姆,马克·S. (2010) “Lone Wolves on the Rise: The New Threat of Lone Terrorists, from the Unabomber to the Standalone Jihadist.” 国际 Centre for Counter-Terrorism—The Hague.

哈姆,马克·S. (2010) “Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City Bombing.” In Terrorist Innovations in Weapons of Mass Effect: Preconditions, Causes, and Predictive Indicators,由Maria J .编辑. 拉斯穆森和穆罕默德. 哈菲兹. 蒙特利, CA: The Defense Threat Reduction Agency, Advanced Systems and Concepts Office, 海军研究生院. Pp. 145-152.

Polizzi D. (2010). Doing therapeutic work in incarcerated settings.  D. Polizzi & M. 德雷伯(Eds.).  In Surviving your clinical placement: Suggestions, reflections  以及不请自来的建议 (pp13-29).  Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press

Polizzi D. (2010).  Beginner Psychotherapists reflect on their working with offender  clients. Descriptive Analysis: Sitting with monsters; the prison experience and the  importance of the therapeutic relationship; homosexual presence in the penitentiary  environment; in praise of normalcy: and the importance of denial.  D. Polizzi & M. 德雷伯(Eds.).In  Surviving your clinical placement: Suggestions, reflections  以及不请自来的建议 (pp. 35-40; 43-47; 51-54; 57-59).  Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press. 

Polizzi D. (2010) A descriptive analysis of the shared themes identified in the  experience of working with offender populations.  D. Polizzi& M. 德雷伯(Eds.). In Surviving your clinical placement: suggestions, reflections and  未经请求的建议 (pp. 61-68).  Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.

Polizzi D.  (2010). Beginner Psychotherapists reflect on their experience working in  non-forensic settings. Descriptive Analysis: Opportunities and setbacks; between  humility and expertise; the ties that bind and blind; finding the right words.  D.  Polizzi& M. 德雷伯, Surviving your clinical placement: Suggestions,  reflections 以及不请自来的建议. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press 

香农米. Barton-Bellessa (2010). August, Aichorn: Wayward Youth (pp. 18-21), in 弗朗西斯 Cullen and Pamela Wilcox, Eds.,百科全书的 Criminological Theory. 千橡市,加州:SAGE.

香农米. Barton-Bellessa (2010). Briar, Scott and Irving Piliavin: Delinquency, Commitment, and Stake in Conformity (pp. 118-121), in 弗朗西斯 Cullen and Pamela Wilcox, Eds. 百科全书的 Criminological Theory. 千橡市,加州:SAGE.

雷克斯E. 哈蒙德和香农. Barton-Bellessa (2014). Victim rights and restitution in sentencing. 在B. Arrigo (Ed.), 百科全书的 criminal justice ethics. (卷. 21, pp. 980-984). 千橡市,加州:SAGE Publications, Inc. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/97viii1452274102.n356

香农米. 巴顿-贝勒萨和史蒂文C. 鲜花(2014). 虐待和忽视儿童. 在B. Arrigo (Ed.), 百科全书的 criminal justice ethics. (卷. 3, pp. 85-91). 千橡市,加州:SAGE Publications, Inc. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/97viii1452274102.n32

香农米. 巴顿-贝莱萨和乔丹·F. 艾萨克斯(2014). 电子监控设备. 在B. Arrigo (Ed.), 百科全书的 criminal justice ethics. (卷. 5, pp. 328-331). 千橡市,加州:SAGE Publications, Inc. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/97viii1452274102.n117

哈姆,马克·S. (2009) “From the Klan to Skinheads: A Critical 历史 of American Hate Groups.” In 仇恨犯罪: Definitions, Measurement, Theory (卷. 1),由布莱恩·莱文编辑. 西港,CT: Praeger. Pp. 95-108.

Polizzi D.布拉斯韦尔,M.  (2009). ”介绍” 在David Polizzi and Michael 科布市 (Eds.)  Transforming Corrections: Humanistic Approaches to Corrections and Offender  治疗.  Charlotte: Carolina Academic Press. 

Polizzi D. (2009) Developing therapeutic trust with offenders” 在David Polizzi and Michael 科布市 (Eds.) Transforming Corrections:  Humanistic Approaches to Corrections and Offender 治疗.  Charlotte: Carolina Academic Press.  

Polizzi D. (2008). The psychological impact of racism. C. 曼奇尼(Ed). In  社会 issues in literature: Racism in the Autobiography of Malcolm X.  达拉斯:Gale Cengage Learning. 

森林,维. & Polizzi D. 3月(2008). 杀了我!:警察自杀事件概览. AELE Law Enforcement Legal Center Instructor’s Manual. 芝加哥.

哈姆,马克·S. (2007)“9/11后的恐怖主义”.” In Violence, Conflict, and World Order: Critical Conversations on State-Sanctioned Justice, Gregg Barak编辑. 兰哈姆,马里兰州:罗曼& 李特佛尔德. Pp. 127-160.

威尔逊,F. T. (2007).The Beech Nut Corporation Apple Juice Scandal. 在J. 美国格柏公司 & E. L. 詹森(Eds.),  百科全书的 白领犯罪. 西港:格林伍德出版社.

Altheide D.L. & 格兰姆斯J.N.  (2006). War Making and Propaganda: Media  Responsibility for Human Rights. 在Diana Papademas(编辑)中, 研究  沟通: Human Rights and Media. 卷. 6. 阿姆斯特丹:爱思唯尔科学.

哈姆,马克·S. (2006) “The USA Patriot Act and the Politics of Fear.” In Quest: Reading the World and Arguing for Change,由Kim Stallings编辑. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Pp. 459-472 (reprint of 2004 chapter in Ferrell et al.)

森林,维. (2006). Piquerism: The Investigative Challenge of Serial Murder. P章第六章. 示范& D. Milovanovic (Eds.) Serial Killers: Understanding Lust Murder. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.

Altheide D.L. & 格兰姆斯J.N. (2005) “News Management and the Iraq War.(与大卫. 彼得·菲利普斯(Ed ..) 项目审查,审查2006. New York: Seven Stories Press: 366-372.

哈姆,马克·S. (2005) “After September 11: Terrorism Research and the Crisis in 犯罪学.” 犯罪学理论, 9: 237-51.

哈姆,马克·S. (2005) “Doing Terrorism Research in the Dark Ages: Confessions of a Bottom Dog.” In Edgework: The 社会学 of 卷untary Risk Taking,由Stephen Lyng编辑. 纽约:劳特利奇出版社. Pp. 273-92.

哈姆,马克·S. (2004)“古巴被拘留者.” In 监狱百科全书 & 惩教设施, 玛丽·博斯沃思编辑. 千橡市:加州:鼠尾草. Pp. 208-10.

哈姆,马克·S. (2004)“仇恨暴力.” In Violence: From Theory to Research, Margaret A .编辑. 亨利·赞恩. 布朗斯坦和Shelly L. 杰克逊. 辛辛那提:雷克萨斯/关系. Pp. 227-36.

哈姆,马克·S. (2004) “The USA Patriot Act and the Politics of Fear.” In 文化犯罪学释放, J编辑eff Ferrell, Keith Hayward, Wayne Morrison, and Mike Presdee. 伦敦:温室出版社. Pp. 287-300.

庞塞C.伍兹,D。.斯克尔顿,D. (2004). Eliminating the Kidnappers in El Salvador. 在G. Mesko, M. B. Dobovsek (eds)Policing in Central and Eastern Europe: Dilemmas of Contemporary 刑事司法 (pp. 259-269). College of Police and Security Studies, Slovenia.

铁城,P. & 森林,维. (2004) Police Interrogations: A Lacanian Perspective. 在G. Mesko, M. B. Dobovsek (eds) Policing in Central and Eastern Europe: Dilemmas of Contemporary 刑事司法 (pp. 432 to 439). College of Police and Security Studies, Slovenia.

森林,维.斯克尔顿,D. & 庞塞C. (2004). The Origins and Development of the PoliciaNacional Civil of El Salvador. 在G. Mesko, M. B. Dobovsek (eds) Policing in Central and Eastern Europe: Dilemmas of Contemporary 刑事司法 (pp. 172-181).College of Police and Security Studies, Slovenia.

哈姆,马克·S. (2003) “Agony and Art: The Songs of 9/11.” In 媒体对911事件的报道, edited by Steven Chermak, Frankie Y. 贝利和米歇尔·布朗. 西港,CT: Praeger. Pp. 201-220.

哈姆,马克·S. (2003) “Danger and Disorder: The World Since 9/11.” In 美国社会的暴力, Suzanne Goodney-Lea编辑. 华盛顿特区C: American Sociological Association.

哈姆,马克·S. (2003)“仇恨犯罪.” In 百科全书of暴力,埃里克·希基编辑. 加利福尼亚州千橡市:Sage.

保罗·雷顿和马克·S. 哈姆 (2003) “Teaching 关于 September 11.” In Teaching the 社会学 of Deviance,编辑:Martin D. Schwartz和Michael Maume. 华盛顿特区C: American Sociological Association.

哈姆,马克·S. (2000) “Doing Gang Research: Pedagogical Implications of the Literature.在J. Mitchell Miller and Richard Tewksbury (Eds.) Extreme Methods: Innovative Approaches  to 社会 Science Research. 波士顿:阿林和培根.

哈姆,马克·S. (2000)“蒂莫西·麦克维.” In 百科全书的 Violence in the United States, Ronald Gottesman编辑. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, Reference 书.

哈姆,马克·S. (2000)《红宝石岭.” In 百科全书的 Violence in the United States, Ronald Gottesman编辑. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, Reference 书.

哈姆,马克·S. and Jeff Ferrell (1999) “Rap, Cops, and Crime: Clarifying the ‘Cop Killer’ Controversy.” In Controversial Issues in Race and Ethnicity, Richard C .编辑. 和尚. 吉尔福德,康涅狄格州:Dushkin/McGraw Hill. (1994年再版 ACJS今天 article.)

哈姆,马克·S. (1999) “Should Official Statistics Be the Primary Source for Research on American Terrorism? No.” In Controversial Issues in 犯罪学, J编辑ohn Fuller and Eric Hickey. 纽约:阿林& 培根,页. 60-65.

哈姆,马克·S. (1999) “Rejoinder to Professor Brent Smith.” In Controversial Issues in 犯罪学, J编辑ohn Fuller and Eric Hickey. 纽约:阿林& 培根,页. 57-60.

法瑞尔,杰夫和马克S. 哈姆 (1998) “True Confessions: Law, Crime, and Field Research.” In Ethnography at the Edge: Crime, Deviance, and Field Research, J编辑eff Ferrell and Mark S. 哈姆.  Boston: Northeastern University Press, pp. 2-19.

哈姆,马克·S. (1998) “The Ethnography of Terror: Timothy McVeigh and the Blue Centerlight of Evil.” In Ethnography at the Edge: Crime, Deviance, and Field Research, J编辑eff Ferrell and Mark S. 哈姆. Boston: Northeastern University Press, pp. 111-130.

哈姆,马克·S. and Jeff Ferrell (1998) “Confessions of Danger and Humanity.” In Ethnography at the Edge: Crime, Deviance, and Field Research, J编辑eff Ferrell and Mark S. 哈姆.  Boston: Northeastern University Press, pp. 254-272.

哈姆,马克·S. (1998/2001/2006) “Images of Crime and Punishment: The Laundering of White Crime.” In 色彩的图像,犯罪的图像, edited by Coramae Mann and Marjorie S. Zatz. Los Angeles: Roxbury Publishing Company, pp. 244-256.

哈姆,马克·S. (1998) “Terrorism, 仇恨犯罪, and Anti-Government Violence.” In The Future of Terrorism: Violence in the New Millennium,编辑哈维. 库什纳. 加利福尼亚州千橡市:Sage Publications, pp. 59-96.

哈姆,马克·S. (1996)“治疗计划.” In 美国监狱百科全书, Marilyn D .编辑. 麦克沙恩和弗兰克P. 威廉姆斯三世. New York and London: Garland Publishing, Inc., pp. 460-461.

哈姆,马克·S. (1996) “Doing Gang Research in the 1990s: Pedagogical Implications of the Literature.” In Gangs: A 刑事司法 Approach J编辑. 米切尔·米勒和杰弗里·P. 冲. 辛辛那提:ACJS/Anderson, pp. 17-32.

哈姆,马克·S. and Jeff Ferrell (1996/1998/1999) “Rap, Cops, and Crime: Clarifying the ‘Cop Killer’ Controversy.” In Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Issues in Crime and 犯罪学, Richard C .编辑. 和尚.  Guilford, CT: Dushkin Publishing Group (1994年再版 ACJS今天 文章)

哈姆,马克·S. (1996/2000) “Satanic Cults and Hate Groups.” In Teaching 犯罪学: Resources and Issues, Richard A .编辑. 莱特. 华盛顿特区.C.: American Sociological Association, pp. 207-213.

哈姆,马克·S. (1996) “Conceptualizing 仇恨犯罪 in a Global Context.” In 犯罪学: A Cross-Cultural Perspective,由罗伯特·海纳编辑. St. 保罗,明尼苏达州:西部出版公司., pp. 91-108 (1994年再版 chapter in 仇恨犯罪)

罗伊,Sudipto& 迈克尔·布朗. (1996). "Juvenile Electronic Monitoring Program in Lake County, Indiana: An Evaluation" (p. 21-35) [invited and peer reviewed paper], in Intermediate Sanctions: Sentencing in the 1990s (ed.J .斯迈克拉. 塞尔克,W., Anderson Publishing, Cincinnati, OH, 1995.

迈克尔·布朗. & 罗伊,Sudipto (1995). Manual and Electronic House Arrest 项目 for Adults: An Evaluation of Factors Related to Failure" (p. 37-53) [invited and peer reviewed paper], in Intermediate Sanctions: Sentencing in the 1990s (ed.J .斯迈克拉. 塞尔克,W., Anderson Publishing, Cincinnati, OH, 1995.

哈姆,马克·S. (1995) “哈姆er of the Gods Revisited: Neo‑Nazi Skinheads, 国内恐怖主义, and the Rise of the New Protest 音乐.” In 文化犯罪学, J编辑eff Ferrell and Clinton R. 桑德斯. Boston: Northeastern University Press, pp. 190-212.

哈姆,马克·S. (1995/2002)  “The Differences Between Street Gangs and Neo-Nazi Skinheads.”  In 现代读书人,由马尔科姆. 谢丽尔·克莱因. 马克萨姆和乔迪·米勒.  Los Angeles: Roxbury Publishing Co.

哈姆,马克·S. 杰弗里·L. Schrink (1995) “The Conditions of Effective Implementation: A Guide to Accomplishing Rehabilitative Objectives in Corrections.” In 监狱危机:批判性阅读, edited by Ed Sbarbro and Robert Keller. Albany, NY: Harow and Heston Publishers. (1989年应邀转载 刑事司法 & 行为 文章)

哈姆,马克·S. (1995) “A Vignette on Loyalty: The Rehabilitative Ideal and Corruption in Prison 政府.” In Morality in 刑事司法: An Introduction to Ethics, edited by Daryl Close and Nicholas Meier. 贝尔蒙特,CA: Wadsworth, pp. 559‑565.

哈姆,马克·S. (1995) “Whistleblowing in Corrections.” In Morality in 刑事司法: An Introduction to Ethics, edited by Daryl Close and Nicholas Meier. 贝尔蒙特,CA: Wadsworth, pp. 202‑209. (1989年应邀转载 社会学的观点 文章)

哈姆,马克·S. (1994/2000) “Satanic Cults and Hate Groups.” In Teaching 关于 and Responding to 仇恨犯罪 on Campus: A Resource Guide,编辑:Claire M. Renzetti, Marcia Trexler Segal and Howard Erlich. 华盛顿特区.C.: American Sociological Association, pp. 19‑26. (Syllabus cited as a model university curriculum by the bias‑motivated crime division of the ASA)

哈姆,马克·S. (1994/1995) “Conceptualizing 仇恨犯罪 in a Global Context.” In 仇恨犯罪: 国际 Perspectives on Causes and Control,由Mark S .编辑. 哈姆. Cincinnati: ACJS/Anderson Publishing Co., pp. xi -十四.

哈姆,马克·S.(1994/1995) “A Modified 社会 Control Theory of Terrorism: An Empirical and Ethnographic Assessment of the American Neo‑Nazi Skinheads.” In 仇恨犯罪: 国际 Perspectives on Causes and Control,由Mark S .编辑. 哈姆. Cincinnati: ACJS/Anderson Publishing Co., pp. 71‑90.

哈姆,马克·S.(1994/1995) “Conceptualizing 仇恨犯罪 in a Global Context.” In 仇恨犯罪: 国际 Perspectives on Causes and Control,由Mark S .编辑. 哈姆. Cincinnati: ACJS/Anderson Publishing Co., pp. 173‑194.

罗伊,Sudipto. (1994). "Electronic Monitoring of Juvenile Offenders: The Lake County, Indiana Experience" (p. 159-167) [invited and peer reviewed paper], in Innovative Trends and Specialized Strategies in Community-based Corrections (ed.)字段,C.,嘉兰出版公司.,纽约,1994年.

哈姆,马克·S.特蕾斯·库佩斯,弗朗西斯·E. Hoze and Corey Weinstein (1994) “The Myth of Humane Imprisonment: A Critical Analysis of Severe Discipline in U.S. Maximum Security Prisons, 1945‑1990.” In 美国监狱暴力 (Second Edition), edited by Michael 科布市, Reid Montgomery, Jr. 吕西安十世. Lombardo. Cincinnati: Anderson Publishing Co., pp. 163‑196.

哈姆,马克·S.(1993) “State Organized Homicide: A Study of Seven CIA Plans to Assassinate Fidel Castro.” In Making Law: The State, The Law, and Structural Contradictions, William J .编辑. Chambliss和Marjorie S. Zatz. Bloomington: Indiana University Press., pp. 315‑346.

哈姆,马克·S.(1993) “Implementing Prison Drug War Policy: A Biopsy of the Wallet.” In Altered States of Mind: Critical Observations on the Drug War, Peter B .编辑. 克拉斯. New York/London: Garland Publishing, Inc., pp. 49‑86.

哈姆,马克·S.(1992/1996/2007) “The Offender Self‑Help Movement as Correctional 治疗.” In 矫正咨询, edited by David Lester, Michael 科布市 and Patricia Van Voorhis. Cincinnati: Anderson Publishing Co., pp. 211‑224. (1988年应邀转载 联邦缓刑 article.)

哈姆,马克·S.(1991) “Confronting the Appeal of White Extremism Through Correctional Education.” Yearbook of Correctional Education 1991,由Stephen Duguid编辑. Burnaby, British Columbia, Simon Fraser University, pp. 107‑128.

哈姆,马克·S. (1991) “The Abandoned Ones: A 历史 of the Oakdale/Atlanta Prison Riots.” In Crimes by the Capitalist State: An Introduction to State Criminality, Gregg Barak编辑. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, pp. 145‑180.

哈姆,马克·S.(1990) “Addicts Helping Addicts to Help Themselves: The Baltimore City Jail Project.” In Drugs, Crime, and the 刑事司法 System, Ralph A .编辑. Weisheit. Cincinnati: ACJS/Anderson Publishing Co., pp. 361‑381.

哈姆,马克·S.罗伯特·G. 赫卡比,黛安·M. Daane和J. Steven Smith (1989) “The Impact of Television on Prison Order.“在…… Yearbook of Correctional Education 1989,由Stephen Duguid编辑. Burnaby, British Columbia: Institute for the Humanities, Simon Fraser University, pp. 229‑248.

____________(2015)前言 了解仇恨犯罪s: Acts, Motives, Offenders, Victims, and Justice 作者:Carolyn Turpin-Petrisino. 纽约:劳特利奇出版社,p. 8.

School of 犯罪学 and Security Studies